Registration Fee

Type Value
Associate SBGf R$ 700.00
Non-Member SBGf R$ 1,000.00
Undergraduate Student (Associate) R$ 100.00
Undergraduate Student (Non-Member) R$ 200.00
Graduate Student (Associate) R$ 250.00
Graduate Student (Non-Member) R$ 500.00

About this event:

This workshop will offer geoscientists and industry players an opportunity to see and discuss the exploration of Brazilian Equatorial Margin (BEM), from the perspective of E&P and service companies, as well as the academia. Applied leading-edge seismic and non-seismic technologies will be discussed as one the most important tools to illuminate and reduce the risk associated with drilling “slope to basin floor reservoirs” in deep and ultra-deep water. This meeting offers the opportunity to discuss the lessons learned from Guiana Basins, one of the world’s hottest plays, and how to leverage this knowledge to de-risk the BEM. Another debate during the conference will be exploratory lessons from the African Conjugate Margin, the cradle of important oil discoveries during the last 20 years. The BEM is unique, even when compared with the African conjugate basins. Key issues will be discussed: The distribution in time and space of source and reservoir rocks, crustal boundaries, magmatism, and associated thermal regimes. Seismic Imaging and technological advancements over the past 15 years, made it possible to explore ultra-deep waters worldwide. However, environmental concerns have caused a delay exploratory drilling in Brazil, postponing risk assessments of financially feasible exploratory projects within the BEM.

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Technical Program

Confirmed Lectures:

  • Opening
  • Break
  • Keynote
  • Closing
Date/Hour Theme Speaker
2th July / 8:00-8:30 Welcome introduction by the president of SBGf Luiz Braga, President of SBGf
2th July / 8:30 – 8:45 Welcome and Objectives of the Workshop Chair Jonilton Pessoa (Petrobras) and Co-Chair Renato Darros (ATP)
2th July / 08:45 -09:15 Keynote Speech: Technology Challenges and Strategies on the Exploration of the Equatorial Margin of Brazil Jonilton Pessoa, Petrobras Executive Director of Exploration
2th July / 09:15-09:30 Paths and Challenges for Environmental Licensing on the Equatorial Margin João Correa (ENERGEO and TGS)
2th July / 9:30-10:00 The Parà Maranhão Basin: An Oil Giant Yet to be Revealed? Henri Houllevigue (TGS)
2th July / 10:00-10:30 Coffee Break
2th July / 10:30-11:00 Chance of Geological Success of Cretaceous Turbidites in the Brazilian Equatorial Margin Ronan Ávila (ANP)
2th July / 11:00-11:30 Evaluating the Deepwater Hydrocarbon Potential of the Equatorial Margin of Brazil from Regional-Scale Characterization of Early and Late Cretaceous Source Rocks and Basin Modeling José Miguel Gorosabel Araus (University of Houston)
2th July / 11:30-12:00 Petroleum Source Rocks of the Brazilian Equatorial Margin Basins Ediane B. da Silva, Helio J. P. Severiano Ribeiro, Eliane Soares de Souza Petroleum Engineering and Exploration Laboratory (LENEP/UENF)
2th July / 12:00 – 12:45 Panel with Q&A Session
2th July / 12:45 – 14:00 Sponsored Networking Lunch
2th July / 14:00-14:30 Multiphysics Data Integration along the Brazilian Equatorial Margin Andre Defendi Arelaro (Petrobras)
2th July / 14:30-15:00 Modern CSEM and Its Impact on Frontier Exploration in Brazil Dag Helland-Hansen (EMGS)
2th July / 15:00-15:30 Evolution of Seismic Imaging in Brazil Max Magalhães Velasques (Petrobras)
2th July / 15:30 – 16:15 Panel with Q&A Session
2th July / 16:30 Closing of Day One
3th July / 8:30-9:00 Keynote Speech: Sustainable Geophysics in New Frontiers and Reserve Replacement: Research Lines Paulo Johann (Petrobras)
3th July / 9:00-9:30 A Geodynamic-Based Assessment of Exploration Challenges within the Brazilian Equatorial Atlantic Renato M. Darros de Matos (ATP)
3th July / 09:30-10:00 Advances in the Characterization of Source Rocks and Reservoirs in the Brazilian Equatorial Margin Narelle M. de Almeida, Karen Leopoldino, Ian Cerdeira, Francisco Nepomuceno, Ana C. Souza (UFC)
3th July / 10:00-10:30 Coffee Break
3th July / 10:30-11:00 Basin Physiography, Sediment Dispersal, and Post-Rift Magmatism as Key Elements of Petroleum Systems within Deep Waters of the Ceará and Potiguar Basins Julia Fonseca (University of Florence)
3th July / 11:00-11:30 3D Seismic Characteristics of Cretaceous Deep-Water Channels and Fan Systems in the Amapa Deepwater Region Henri Houllevigue (TGS)
3th July / 11:30-12:00 Multi-Client Magnetic Data Interpretation for Oil&Gas Prospectivity in the Equatorial Margin Basins of Brazi Luiz Braga (INVISION and Xcalibur Consultant)
3th July / 12:00 – 12:45 Panel with Q&A Session
3th July /12:45 – 14:00 Sponsored Networking Lunch
3th July / 14:00 – 14:30 Unlocking the Equatorial Margin with AI-Based Reconstructed Seismic Frederico Melo (SLB)
3th July / 14:30 – 15:00 Putting Together Jigsaw Puzzles Offshore South America Equatorial Margin Zhiping Yang (CGG)
3th July / 15:00 – 15:30 Seismic Data Processing Implications of New Survey Designs with Marine Vibrators Erik Neumann (ShearWater)
3th July / 15:30 – 16:15 Panel with Q&A Session
3th July / 16:30 Closing of the Workshop

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These are the Sponsors who helped us to carry out this amazing event:





